Join Courageously Unreplicable, the 12-month community-powered inner circle for the Legacy-Leaving CreativePreneur who’s ready to go ALL IN on her Energetic Algorithm, and thrive as a radiant Unique Genius Brand in her Creatrix Era
You’ve learned that in order to craft a message that resonates, it’s important to identify the deep-seated challenges & innermost desires of your ideal client, and then communicate their A-to-B transformation in your content.
Without this, it feels like you’re speaking into an echo chamber in your content… because it seems like there’s no one specific you’re talking to; though you may be multi-passionate with many things to share, it suddenly feels like you have nothing specific of depth to say because there’s no specific reason or invitation to say it.
You have a lot of ideas in your head, but you don't know how to put them together without creating confusion in your image. To avoid confusion, you tend to over complicate it and be too “professional” rather than expressing your authentic personality.
So you end up wanting to “help” everyone by being relatable to all, even if the people you try to help aren’t an ideal fit for your transformative gifts.
You've invested in marketing programs and maybe even hired a social media manager, but all you've been told is to 'agitate' your ideal client's pain points and speak from that POV. It doesn't feel good.
You feel like you flow between a LOT of styles of writing – it’s all you, but you feel like your voice gets lost in the noise. While you don’t want to put yourself in a box, you do want your voice to shine and be recognizable through the authentic stories you share. You wistfully look at your vision board of your dream Instagram page, and wonder, "is it even that difficult? What’s holding me back? Is my vision board not good enough?"
You've attempted to vulnerably share your stories of trials & tribulations in your content to connect with your audience, but it felt like you're writing journal entries without adding value. Instead of standing out, you feel invisible, which hides your deep knowledge, experiences, & expertise, and perpetuating the nagging feeling of not being listened to, received, and valued.
You can create content for whoever or whatever topic. But, because you just don’t know who your true soul network is, you sometimes end up not creating, speaking, or writing at all. If you could wave a magic wand to reveal your ideal clients' deep desires, you no longer would have to struggle with figuring out if your content resonates, or if it's *valuable* enough.
You see, most people try to seek out their soulmate client in the ‘opposite’ direction.
It’s less about about “who/where my Soulmate Client is” (aka looking outside of yourself), and more about inquiring within…
“Who am I”?
“What do I stand for?”
“What is my voice & expression here?”
“What is my message and unique storytelling style?”
“WHO is the version of me who expresses herself with such a magnetic voice and rallying message?”
Because your expression as a Voice & Identity – and the catalytic energy behind your message – will ultimately magnetize your soul-aligned clients, without having to go on a scavenger hunt for them.
Instead of over-explaining whom you’re for & what you do, in reaction to ‘competitors’ (which makes content creation for you a chore), start pro-actively and COURAGEOUSLY expressing who you are.
Blaze your own trial.
Stand for something independently. Fuel your ideas.
Create your Genius Assets™ by turning your brilliance into value that both makes a difference & stands the test of time.
This is the secret to making content creation fun & spontaneous, feminine & flowy…
⇝…and THIS is what truly magnetizes your soulmate clients.⇜
Aligning your creative vision & message with your soul
First, we establish your unreplicable soul-aligned brand identity that serves as a magnetic compass for your community (represented by your soulmate client), multi-faceted offers (you don’t have to be one dimensional), and content (even if they’re a combination of different topics).
🧬 THE VOICE: You are emboldened & empowered in your communication style. You dial it all the way up in your copy, videos, & content. You communicate & express yourself with clarity, conviction, & confidence. You’re anchored in your values, & you know exactly whom you’re for. Your voice reflects your freedom from the pressure of babysitting everyone’s nervous system. Your appeal & impact magnify as you validate yourself from within, releasing your network from the responsibility of validating your ideas.
🧬 THE VISIONARY: You understand that your vision is the foundation of your brand, and it’s the reason why your brand & business(es) were born. You’re connected to your ‘big why,’ and you take brave action in the direction of your values. You SEE what’s amiss in the industry you’re in, and you innovate through your offers that fill those gaps. Your message for change is crystal clear, like a clarion call. What fuels The Visionary is your connection to your core desires (Spirit’s message), and you pivot or change course when Spirit calls.
Appreicating your Unique Genius…
…by creating artful expression that activates your community
Next, create your genius-encoded content as an act of ‘appreciation’ for your brand identity. Content appreciates (grows) your brand identity (the seed you planted). Your content also nourishes (waters) your community / network (represented by your soulmate client) with feelings, stories, and teachings associated with your brand.
🧬 THE MUSE: You create art & magic through everything life gives you. You’re the creative one who inspires others (including yourself)… you look at own art and say, “did I really create that? I need to duplicate my brain and 10x this!” You’re the main character who lives, loves, & leads with super-presence & aliveness. You wine & dine your unique gifts. You embody self-appreciation – you understand that everything you appreciate appreciates (including the magnetism that your content, offers, and creations exude).
🧬 THE STORYTELLER: You’re a master of articulating what others are struggling to put words to – you bring to light what has been suppressed in the shadows (think Persephone). Through storytelling, you help people imagine, explore, & connect to a world of possibilities again. Your words invoke their empowered, expansive identities, who flip the decision-making switch in their hearts to say YES to what could be the most rewarding transformation of their life. Your gift of storytelling reminds people WHO they’ve come to be.
Amplify your purpose…
…through legacy-building pathways
Then, we turn your genius-encoded content into assets, which will be circulated (purchased and shared by) by a self-compounding ecosystem. This allows you to make a difference in more lives, create a ripple effect with your message, and amplify your purpose, detached from your time.
HERE is where you thrive as a CEO in her ‘soft life’ 💖
🧬 THE ORCHESTRATOR: You pour your genius & skills into a framework & clear process that demonstrate harmony & flow (e.g. a customer journey). You alchemize chaos into clarity, the intangible into tangible, the abstract into simplicity. The Orchestrator cooperates with The Visionary to deliver creative solutions to problems, in a way that’s optimized & efficient. The Orchestrator thinks strategically in terms of creating income pathways, scalability, streamlined processes, and asset building (i.e. compounding your productivity), to generate more value.
🧬 THE ENERGY PROPHETESS: You know what serves or drains your life-force energy. The Energy Prophetess works with The Orchestrator to make sure that your time, money, & energy are channelled into value-generating activities & pathways, so that The Muse has the space to thrive & create, and that The Visionary has the freedom to innovate. The Muse & The Visionary fuel The Voice, who impacts The Storyteller’s artistic ability to cultivate deep connections with others. You understand that your mental, emotional, & physical health impacts your creative energy.
Imagine having the tools, resources, and guidance to make a difference with your unique genius, stories, & well-earned skills through an efficient and transformatively powerful way that combines heART & Strategy.
Imagine being so in tune with your Future Visionary Self – the one who has a Human-Design-aligned business – that you’re quantum leaping and making massive breakthroughs… while your current starry-eyed Self cannot believe you’re a living & breathing manifestation of your vision board.
When you create content and share from your heart, you know that the right people meant for your work are paying attention and recognizing your incredible intuitive gifts, knowledge, and wisdom. You know, with certainty, that you're appreciated for the space, heart, and encouragement you offer.
Imagine not only having safe creative space to authentically connect with other SoulPreneurs, but also expanding your opportunities through masterminding and collaborating with soul & purpose with other resilient visionary women in leadership, who are committed to 10x-ing their unique genius, creating a legacy with their intuition & intentional strategic action, transforming the paradigm of their chosen field with their unreplicable brand identity, sculpting their OWN niche, and elevating their Whole Self Identity.
Imagine amplifying your unique gifts and channeling them into your Aquarian biz model, while leaving behind the rigid/dry old paradigm formulas you've been taught that dimmed your radiance and spiraled you into Energetic Debt™.
And, in aligning your life & biz the Aquarian way, imagine making FRIENDS for life who get you and support you on this crazy, wild journey called feminine creativepreneurship – all of which contributes to your Energetic Overflow™.
Imagine being generously compensated for building a purpose-driven business that represents YOU, for courageously sharing stories people cannot help but tell their friends about, and for courageously innovating in an industry that frowns upon any attempt to challenge “tested and proven” practices… while you are attracting an aligned-af community who cannot wait to be a part of everything you create because of WHO YOU ARE.
…a home for visionary creatives to 10x their unique genius, glow up their brand identities with their Genius Assets™, receive guidance as they build their Aquarian Biz models that attract their soul-aligned network, share their heartfelt experiences as they navigate this journey, and form lifetime friendships with other creative FemPreneurs who are revolutionizing their industries while softening into their radiance & glowing in their self-expression.
Inside AMPLIFY, you will discover innovate-to-automate strategies which allow you to amplify your value detached from your time, so that you can thrive in your Creatrix Era and be fully present with your loved ones whenever you desire.
The Courageously Unreplicable Creatrix goes after what she wants and approaches her business as creative play, without having to over-explain herself or convince those she isn’t excited to build a legacy with.
(You can get enroll below.)
Multidimensional Visionary is the program in the 'Align' phase that harnesses your Human Design to help you achieve these 5 things:
Clarity on your soulmate/ideal client (aka the person who’s a match for and appreciative of your Unique Genius)
A CORE IDEA / Unique Brand Message that sets you apart from others in your field, as the status quo disrupter!
Your signature method that leverages your unique genius and represents your unique expertise, in a way that’s never been seen before
Your mapped-out customer journey
Your brand’s lexicon (this is a core part of the Desire-Weaving StorySelling method I mentioned in My Energetic Algorithm masterclass series) that inspires your soulmate client towards action while positioning you as the solution to their problem
The YES Factor is the program in the 'Appreciate' phase that guides you with...
Styling your content according to your Human Design for effortless magnetism
Creating ‘connection points’ in your content & copy, based on your Human Design, so that your soulmate client resonates with how your offer is relevant to them on BOTH a practical & experiential level
Using Desire-Weaving Storyselling to go from creating content that people glaze straight over to crafting *magic* with words that resonates deeply with your soulmate clients & collaborators
Learning how to tease your soulmate audience with your genius, dissolve their resistance, and call them into their aligned & empowered YES in your content, without convincing, shaming, or relying on limited-time incentives or pricing psychology
Amplify is the program in the 'Amplify' phase that guides you with...
Determining the offer style of your landing-pad offer based on your Human Design (is your landing-pad offer best suited as a 1:1, self-paced course, membership, or group coaching program? And how do you ‘scale’ it using Femme Funnels™?)
Leveraging the Metamorphosis Model for your sales process in a way that eases people into a desire-driven YES for your higher-ticket offer(s) & increases your profit potentiality without actively launching/selling 24/7 – yay to taking back your time!
Creating multiple levels of transformation for your network and diversify your offers (aka distribute your Genius Assets™), without increasing your workload
Orchestrating a system that gets your network to share your brand & GENIUS ASSETS™ with passion
THIS is where you become a Creatrix who wields impact & influence.
Alongside a methodology/framework (in my 3 programs) as a strategic & practical guide for your process, feel more confident with implementation as you pick my brain and borrow my eyes on your ideas, stories, concepts, content, and/or copy.
You'll receive support in these areas (2-3 calls/uploads per month):
Mastermind Coaching & Inspiration Vortex: get your ideas heard as you develop your concepts, ask questions and receive personalized support based on where you are in your CreativePreneur journey, and soulstorm your next step in your business
Genius-Encoded Content Immersions: receive feedback/audits on ANY piece of content (content, sales copy, curriculum, and general articulation)
Leave each call feeling clearer, inspired, or intellectually nourished as you sculpt your Unique Genius Brand and create your Genius Assets™!
No longer are we lone wolfing and buying into the narrative that being the '1%' has to be a path of solitude.
Many of my inspirations in my business has been supported by conversations with other soulful CreativePreneurs who see the world differently, have stories of depth to share, and are driven by a vision bigger than themselves. We're celebrators of ideas, aligned connections, and courage!
In this room with Aquarian-Age entrepreneurs, lean in on for expansion, transformative collaborations, and momentum. Make FRIENDS for life who get you and support you on this crazy, wild journey called feminine creativepreneurship – all of which contributes to your Energetic Overflow™!
We welcome your power for bringing your dreams into fruition, and your willingness to cast your bold creative vision even if it feels delusional to the majority.
Occasionally, and if it feels aligned, I might also bring in guest experts to bring us deeper into the energetics behind running an Aquarian-Age business, so we all continuously grow and expand our minds!
This is not a course with templates. Instead, this is on Telegram where you get...
Behind-The-Curtain Shares of A Nonlinear Multi-Passionate: you get a front-row seat to my ideation-to-execution process and the embodied insights I gain along my nonlinear journey of sculpting & refining my Unique Genius Brand. You also get my weekly learnings and aha moments from the action I’m taking to courageously reinvent myself and challenge industry standards, so I effortlessly become a match for the relationships I desire. (You can think of this like my tell-all diary where I’m letting you in on all the juicy goods I would be voice-noting to my biz bestie.)
My 10x Journey (The Art of Becoming via holistic transformation): How I am actively working on my identity glow-up through upgrading & integrating the 6 CreativePreneur archetypes – The Muse, The Orchestrator, The Energy Prophetess, The Storyteller, The Visionary, and The Voice. (You get exclusive access to the raw, unfiltered glimpse of my innovation & transformation process. Witness my inner conflicts, celebrate my breakthroughs, and learn alongside me as I experiment, evolve, and expand in real time.)
Your Opportunity to Embody The Artist, Inventor, and Investor: Exercises, practices, and prompts designed to help you unearth your own mine of gold, navigate the creative void, ‘reinvent the wheel,’ and experiment, so you can shape your unique brand of brilliance into your next masterpiece.
Please note that if you’re planning to join The QuantumGlow Vortex (for my network marketers), you will automatically get access to Courageously Unreplicable.
Courageously Unreplicable is not a program for those who dip out. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you accept that this offer is non-refundable. If you opt for a monthly payment plan, you are committed to and responsible for paying the full amount from the date you join. If you break the agreement early, you are responsible for paying in full, at full price, for all of the programs you had access to during your time in Courageously Unreplicable.
With my guidance and the group’s support, you will use these 12 months to create your digital real estate that harnesses your Human Design & reflects your Unique Genius (clarified brand message that ignites your passion, content that lights up both you & your soulmate network, and an offer eco-system that aligns with your energy & sells passively for you).
By staying the course of this program and being devoted to your craft, you will also experience an upgrade in these 6 archetypes that make up a thriving CreativePreneur:
When these 6 archetypes are in harmony, you feel dialed in & EXCITED about your creative direction, where you’re 10/10 on fire with sharing your genius, gifts, and wisdom with your soul-aligned community/network.
That being said, this program doesn’t teach a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s not for those who favor the ‘bro marketer’ pathway to flashy & unsustainable monetary success.
Courageously Unreplicable is for the multidimensional CreativePreneur who sees the value of a soul-aligned business strategy with long-term leverage. She understands that this comes through devoting her time, attention, and energy right now to creating a Unique Genius Brand that makes a difference in the world, a sustainable business model, and Genius Assets™ (content & offers) that stand the test of time.
Yes, absolutely! As long as you honor the terms and conditions, you’ll have lifetime access to these 3 self-paced programs, and you will receive all updates to the curriculum as time goes.
We start in March 2025!
As much as I love passive sales processes and leveraged income, I’m far from being a ‘hands-off’ mentor when it comes to done-with-you guidance.
I LOVE diving into the nitty gritty, co-creating magic with my DWY clients to refine their message & articulation. Because of this, I often work behind the scenes to draft up visual concepts & more ideas for my clients that they can leverage to refine their brand’s core idea & signature method. I’m a document sharing, co-creating magic, in the thick of it with you, hands dirty in the details kind of mentor.
My guidance is highly practical, where the focus is on collaborating, collecting data, refining, and amplifying things that would make your genius a force to be reckoned with, and to communicate the value you bring to the world in a powerful & magnetic way to the people who are ready for your work. I am also the mentor for you if you desire someone who sees your bigness and invites you back into it when you’re holding yourself back 💖
Courageously Unreplicable is a high-level brand & business mentorship for the feminine CreativePreneur who desires close proximity support without the massive price tag.
My 1:1 spaces are extremely limited as they come with my undivided attention: Telegram access to me & 1:1 calls where I dive deep into your story & experiences, and have you explain your concepts, ideas, intention, & big brain thoughts to me, which allow me to extract ‘data’ that would bring into form your Unique Genius Brand.
Courageously Unreplicable contains everything I know about building a personal brand and an online business, in a way that’s congruent with your energy, desires, and soul. You also receive my guidance & the support of the network to supplement your learning in the 3 programs (Multidimensional Visionary, The Yes Factor, and Amplify), so that you boost momentum as a result of being driven by your newfound potential.
Courageously Unreplicable is also inspired by the invaluable lessons I’ve learned along the way through my own journey and teachers.
If you want to get my eyes on your business, steal my best strategies, broaden your perspectives & expand your awareness through masterminding with other like-spirited creatrixes who witness your evolution, start life-giving collaborations, and ask me anything about brand & business, then Courageously Unreplicable is the place to be.