What is your Magnetic Superpower?

According to your Human Design energy type, your superpower is...

The Activator

Your superpower as a Manifestor is Activation!

As a Human Design Manifestor, you are designed to break free from the status quo, and create the unprecedented. 

Manifestors have a fire-starter energy. However, many Manifestors grow up with limitations and disempowering belief systems placed upon them. For instance, parents of young Manifestors worry that they might get themselves into trouble, given their naturally curious and ‘daredevil’ spirit, and hence unwittingly exert control on them. 

Even though parents have the best intentions for their children, these Manifestors grow up being conditioned to believe that it’s best they do not innovate, attempt anything new, or take the unconventional route… as it’s only a matter of time that someone (aka a force of resistance) would stop them.

But what ultimately happens is that the creative energies of Manifestors become repressed. Because energy cannot be destroyed and can only be converted, Manifestors start channeling that fiery energy onto themselves, creating a dense, unyielding barrier between them and the world around them.  

This is called the ‘Enduring Pattern,’ which causes them to fight themselves as a way to protect any last shred of their sovereignty… before anyone gets to them first. This belief that they’ll be controlled and opposed by an external authority, through being authentically themselves, is rooted in their lived experiences. 

And, in turning their warrior spirit against themselves, Manifestors unintentionally stop the FLOW of their energy. They feel purposeless or ‘powerless’ in their ability to create, activate and innovate, because their enduring pattern is rejecting the relevant support that fuels movement and transformation. In their shadow expression, a disempowered Manifestor believes they’re destined to feel alone in their relationships with others. 

This lone-wolfing tendency leads to frequent burnouts (because they believe they have to go solo to avoid confrontation with others) and difficulty in allowing others to support them in bringing their vision into form (due to the fear of being potentially controlled or having their creative flow disrupted).

Though Manifestors are independent and potentially resourceful individuals, at their core they desire to be trusted (and to trust) and feel supported in the right relationships that honor their autonomy. 

As a Manifestor, you’d want the right people, relationships and course of actions to expand you, to make you feel powerfully challenged for even greater transformation. So, when you begin to feel like you have to tinker down your standards or repress your own desire to act and express yourself, that’s when you get to check in and reassess your choices as a sovereign being. 

You have the potential to be super innovative. And, because of how tremendously impactful your energy is, as an innovator, activator and fire-starter, there’s only 8-10% of your energy type in the world. (I believe that Creation/Nature is intelligent, and proportions each energy type correctly for harmony in the grand scheme of things.)

You are the epitome of the fire-bird emblem, the Phoenix. You embody transformation, personal freedom and sovereignty – and this is exactly what the world currently is seeking more than ever.

Your greatest impact can be felt when you CREATE your own path – which includes setting your own standards from a place of deep trust within you.

You embody your vision and standards. Instead of just talking about your vision, you walk, breathe and live it. That’s when your superpower of The Activator really SHINES through. This is your divine purpose. This is the best gift you can give to others as a Manifestor.

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How to use your Activating Manifestor Aura in your marketing?

A Manifestor whose creative force is activated naturally embodies the energy of a VISIONARY. This is often the missing key for most people (who aren’t Manifestors) when they create content and write copy. Why? When it comes to marketing, most people are taught to lead with ‘pain points’ instead of activating their ideal customer’s desires & emphasizing the VISION that’s possible for them. A client or customer who buys something out of pure fear and an avoidance of a ‘pain’ (in absence of a vision) will only run like a hamster on a wheel of unsustainable results & unobtainable transformation.

An activated Manifestor is a WAYSHOWER of what it looks like to lead with a VISION and spark a movement. An activated Manifestor is also like a MAGNET 🧲 that pulls in the CORRECT people & opportunities to them that support them in materializing their innovative ideas.

When it comes to your marketing, the faster you act and express the direction you’re taking in your content and messaging, the more magnetic you appear to the right people. The last thing you’d want to do is to outsource your power by waiting or asking for permission.

But, because of your powerful creative energy and speed of manifestation, people around you who may be affected by your catalytic essence can get taken aback if they aren’t informed by the course of actions you take. This is why it is imperative that you inform others (not to ask for permission) of what’s going to happen. This may include your community, clients and team. Informing creates trust and safety. 

Lead with your vision, and serve with your heart.

Tone & Copy🎤


Unapologetic, raw power, courageous, certain, bold

Content + Copy Examples

“This is where I’m going and this is why it’s going to be revolutionary. These are the benefits of joining me. The choice is yours: come with me or stay. But know that your choice doesn’t affect my decision to move. This is how you can get on board with me.”

It doesn’t mean that Manifestors have to be aggressive people; it just means that their magnetism shines when they unapologetically demonstrate a deep sense of trust in themselves.

❤️‍🔥Content Marketing Tip❤️‍🔥

Unless you’re strategically asking your ideal clients or your audience questions for market research purposes (to help you create even more powerful content and offers), I would recommend that Manifestors hold off with asking questions, such as, “what do you want to learn from me?”

Why? Because this diminishes your power and dulls your natural magnetism. You’re here to initiate what YOU want that gives the rest of us something to respond to (for Generators) or an invitation to accept (for Projectors). Listen to and trust your gut instinct. Stand in your raw power.

Help your audience shift false beliefs (and thus give them a mind-blowing moment) by making a stand for their greatness (and yours too) via “Client Spotlight” posts.

Interview your best client, asking them where they were before working with you, and why they chose you – this gets the right people in your audience to see what’s POSSIBLE for them!

ACTION STEP: think about your best client (aka the one with whom you can move mountains) and answer these questions… What made them great, and different from clients who were not a 100% match for you? Where were they at in their journey? Why was it important for them to take action immediately and invest in themselves with you?

Also write content that speaks to those traits, and start seeing the most electrifying clients/customers who are a perfect match for your manifesting aura as an ACTIVATOR roll in!

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Your aura as a Activating Manifestor is just one piece of the puzzle!

Human Design is a nuanced system that also includes placements and a ‘circuitry’ that gives your aura a unique ‘shape.’ 

Your aura is a ‘two-way radio’ that calls and receives. It’s what you broadcast to the world, and it governs what you attract back. So, you want to set it to the right frequency.

Because Human Design is a nuanced system, no two Manifestors are the same, meaning that your ‘inner radio’ is wired differently from the other Manifestor sitting across the cafe you’re in.

Let's set your two-way radio to the right frequency, so that you can attract everyone and everything towards you....

Imagine this…

You’re a trauma-informed mental health coach, just like the other coach on Instagram whom you secretly creep on to keep yourself in the know… so you can ‘stay ahead of the game’ with your marketing strategy.

You reiterate the same concepts she talks about – Polyvagal theory, Brainspotting, and the autonomic nervous system. 

But here’s the EDGE you see as a secret ingredient to her success: 

She has a message – she believes that the liberation of a woman’s VOICE is a manifestation of healing our inner child healing & doing the shadow work. She believes with conviction that a freed voice changes the world, and that every woman’s voice creates a ripple effect, and thus deserves to be heard.

Her message, ‘niche,’ and voice are working amazingly well for her!

You get excited; you know you, too, can help women with their voices with same modalities you’ve taken certification programs to learn.

So, you emulate her. You copy her messaging strategy, her niche, and her voice.

Weeks pass, and no matter how hard you try to make it work, your voice and energy keep falling flat. Your audience isn’t responding to your words in the same way her message rouses her audience.

The issue here isn’t that you’re less articulate or attractive than her, but that you’re trying to ‘copy and paste’ a message that wasn’t yours to express in the first place, because the ‘frequency’ of your inner radio is different from hers. While she’s designed to tune into and transmit 123 FM, you were designed to tune into and transmit 456 FM. The problem lies in you ignoring your own unique FM, and trying hard to tune into & transmit hers.

In other words, her message works wonderfully for her because she’s expressing the frequency of her inner radio. Moreover, she has a deep understanding of her audience’s drives, desires, and aspirations, which are reflected in her content & copy. Combining both creates an engaged audience.

And, until you acquaint yourself with your UNIQUE frequency & your inner radio, it will always feel like you have to follow a rigid niching framework from some rando still preaching the gospels from the old paradigm… only to imprison your multi-passionate & multidimensional soul, distorting your inner radio’s frequency, and painfully limiting and suffocating yourself.

Discover the secrets to infusing your magnetism into your platform 🎙...

Being UNIQUE is not an option when it comes to creating a standout personal brand, where YOU are the niche – the unconventional, can’t-quite-put-a-finger-on-which-box-you-fall-into, unreplicable ESSENCE that only you can exude.

When it comes to voice, uniqueness, and ATTRACTION marketing, many make the mistake of investing only and heavily in aesthetics (erroneously believing that this is the master key to magnetic branding), and in modulating the technical elements of their voice (written and verbal) to captivate. 

But these qualities can be easily replicated/commoditized by someone else. 

OR, in the context of building a personal brand, 99% of people follow a rigid niching framework that’s no longer relevant in today’s times, in the Age of Aquarius… only to imprison their multi-passionate souls, painfully limiting and suffocating themselves. 

Psstt… when you are encumbered by your limitations, your audience KNOW, and your magnetism diminishes.

The truth is: MAGNETISM is a presence or an expression of an inner quality that only YOU have – the combination of your unconventionality / UNIQUENESS, your personal direction (aka your purpose, cause, ideal, vision, message), and your audience’s aspirations, etc. 

The keys to this  are encoded in your Human Design.

Say goodbye to being pigeon-holed by 'finding your one thing' and having a mini-identity crisis when you realize you want to do something else...

...and say hello to The Era of The Personal Brand, where you get to be ALL of you and make THAT a brand!

In this Human Design x Personal Brand masterclass, get ready to discover....

  • your SOUL EXPRESSION STATEMENT (your unique “I help” statement) through the 3 specific key elements in your Human Design, Gene Keys, & Astrology birth chart (your unique expression blueprint) that informs the energetic theme for your new paradigm niche aka your X-factor (this works for Reflectors too!)
  • the Superstar Player for doubling down on your BRAND STORY, and your unique message that your soulmate clients cannot help but respond to
  • the key to doubling down on your unique message that your soulmate clients cannot help but respond to
  • the map to reawakening your Inner Creatrix, your Divine Artist — it’s time to ignite the innovator within you, so that you become a differentiated ChangeMaker in the Creator’s Economy, even if your content topic isn’t ‘new’ 

This is perfect for multi-passionates who can’t ‘niche down’ and are ready to sculpt a brand that feels like playground for their soul!

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The Niching by Design masterclass is typically $197, but you've unlocked a Top Secret offer to get $150 off - bringing it down to just $47!

Discover how people WANT to see you and pay you.

It's time to step into the magnetism you were born to embody.